Proclaiming the Truth of What the Scriptures Say About the Christian Way
Who Are We
We are disciples and members of the Priesthood of Jesus the Christ, Ambassadors and recruiters for the Kingdom of God, The Church of God.
Our Mission
Our mission is threefold:
- To preach the true gospel message of reconciliation to God, through Jesus the Christ to the World by exposing and deposing the Deception that Satan has forced upon an unexpecting World and by the power of the Holy Spirit, convict the world of sin, of righteousness and of judgment with the truth.
- Hold the Church accountable to the teachings of Christ, and the doctrine of the apostles as expressed by Paul, an apostle of Christ, in the book of Ephesians.
- Provide opportunities and locations where those who hear God and come to Christ, can attend worship service and grow in the grace and knowledge of God and the Way we have been called to.
What We Believe
We believe that with God all things are possible.
We believe that God is a family composed of two Spirit Beings. We also believe man was created in the image of God with the potential to be born into the God Family.
We believe the Bible is the written word of God and is one complete book, God’s instructions for life.
We believe that Jesus is the Word, and God of the Old Testament and all things came to being through Him.
We believe that Jesus Son of God, born of a virgin by the power of God, died, was in the grave three days and three night and rose on the third day and repentance for sin is now proclaimed in His.
We believe baptism means total submerging under water and upon doing so and having hands laid upon us we received the Holy Spirit of God.
We observe the 10 Commandments of God, and the Weekly 7th day Sabbath and annual appointed times of God.
We believe Jesus rose at the end of the weekly 7th day Sabbath and not early Sunday morning.
We observe the calenda God revealed in Gen 1:14 and Exodus 12:2 and keep the crescent new moon for beginning of months.
Upcoming Event Page
Article Page
Part 1 The Deception of Satan.docx
Part 2 The Deception of Satan.docx
Video Page