Prove It for Yourself
The majority of Christians have no idea that the things pasted down through the generations, as truth, concerning the worship of our Creator, are twisted and distorted by men who claim to be preachers of righteousness. Peter said that untrained and untaught men would twist and distort the words of Paul as well as the rest of the Scriptures. Read it for yourself in the Holy Bible that you own. Do not believe me; believe what your Bible says! 2 Pet 3:15-17
Jesus Christ said: “many will come in My name preaching that I am the Christ and would deceive many Matt 24:5.” They would come in His name!
The apostle Paul said the same thing in II Co 11:3, 13-15 Read it for yourself!
Peter said there would be false teachers among you, Christians, and because of them, the way of the truth will be maligned, 2 Pet 2:1-2. Look up that word maligned.
I am reporting the truth about Christianity, as you know it today. Don’t believe me; ask your minister to prove how he gets 72 hours from Good Friday evening at sunset to early Easter Sunday morning before sunrise? Christ was in the grave 3-day and nights, Matt 12:40. Ask him what is a high day mentioned in John 19:31?
Most people have never asked themselves those questions. Most people never question the religions they practice to see if, in fact, it does represent the Biblical definition of the worship of our Creator. If they did, they would see that Jesus started only one Church without denominations, founded on the teachings God gave in the very beginning of the Bible, the Old Testament.
Satan is out to destroy the Church that keeps The Commandments of God; Exodus 20:1-17; Deut 5:1-22; Lev 23:1-44, and holds to the testimony of Jesus, Matt 5:17-19; Luke 24:44, Rev 12:17
Each of the appointed times of God in Lev 23 are a designed step in the plan of salvation for man created in His image, and Jesus Christ is the center of them all beginning with the weekly 7th day Sabbath, Gen 2:1-2 and the Passover, Exo 12:2.
Even after Jesus testified as a witness for God, ministers still preach that the commandments of God are no longer relevant (done away) because of Grace. Did Paul actually teach that? Read what he said for yourself, Rom 3:30-31, Rom 6:1-2, 1 Co 7:19.
Do the research. Find out why your minister teaches the doctrines he does and prove them form the scriptures, don’t just take his word, like I’m not asking you to take mine. Prove it for yourself.